Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Making the Bacon

Did you know there are only 262 days until Christmas?  Jenny (of is always reminding me that the entire year is always about prepping for the Christmas rush.  When I opened my shop this past December, I found out for myself what most felt food makers already know:  don't sell what you don't have.  I was selling bacon and eggs faster than I could make it!  It was a little extra stress to an already busy holiday season.

Now that the slow season is here, it's time to get ready for Christmas.  I spent a whole weekend doing research. My geeky psychologist side came out and now I have spreadsheets full of data that will make things easier for me.

I've also started a photographer search, looking for an awesome photographer to take pics of my felt food in exchange for getting to keep it all.

Most importantly though, I need to start stocking.  I've done a little of that but now my research has helped me figure out how many slices of bacon I'll need until January.  That's right, January 2012.  As a stay at home mom, it's Mr. Felt Food Kids who really brings home the bacon. Of course, if you need to make bacon, then I'm your girl!  I find it's best to make it in large batches and only a few times a year (it's more work to make than you think).

Before I could get started, this had to happen. Grace down for a nap.
My goal:  Cut 90 sets of bacon before she woke up.

If you make felt food or work with a lot of felt/fleece, a scissor sharpener is essential.

She woke up before I was done but then we both did our work together.
She takes her work so seriously!  She used red crayon--maybe she was drawing my bacon?  lol
As you can see from the previous pic, I work hard to keep the work area clean.
With a trash can beside me, I sweep scraps in immediately.
Then Grace comes along.....and dumps them all.
She had so much fun though!
185 slices of bacon (cut a few extra) are cut for a total of 92.5 sets.

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