Sunday, January 1, 2012

Greetings From Spokane, WA!

     First, let me apologize for my very long absence.  We moved for the second time in a year for my husband's career and this move was 1700 miles from the first one.  What have I learned?  Moving twice in one year is very, very hard.  Moving 1700 miles?  Also very hard.

One of my favorite pictures from the move:
Grace's face as the plane took off--her first plane ride in over a year,
 she was a little surprised when we started flying!
     I got a beautiful large sewing studio out of the move, while our daughter scored a HUGE play room, just off from the sewing studio.  We are both very happy with those changes!

     A lot of my felt food inventory was damaged by the movers but I've been working to get that back in order.  I've also been sewing something else:

Doll Diapers

Doll Clothes
     I've opened a third and final shop (no more, I promise, although etsy shops are like keep wanting more once you have one!):  Sweet Doll Boutique.

     Sewing for dolly babies runs deep in my family.  I come from a long line of women sewing for dolls and barbies.  It was natural for me to start doing so.  My new shop, Sweet Doll Boutique, is now open on etsy:  

     Another change?  My first shop was originally named Amazing Grace Creations Shop....a very long name.  Too long for me.  Etsy allowed shop owners to change their shop names recently & I changed the name to Necessary Cuteness (  It will continue to focus on adorable items for babies, I just really wanted to change the name!

     I am really looking forward to a year where I can focus on my shops as well as being mom to one of the cutest little girls on the planet.  No more moves.  No more shutting down the shops over and over waiting to move.  Hooray!

     Thank you for hanging in there with me and staying my fans.  My photographers have been busy taking pictures of new food, I've been busy making new foods & I can't wait to add them to my felt food shop.  I want to have more fun with things this year so next week:  A GIVEAWAY!



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